This triptych of CCTV cameras and screens is designed site-specific for your personal space (which no longer exists…that’s the point).

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“Still Untitled”, 2019

Scott McKinney deals with issues of authority and surveillance in his multi-media works, incorporating AR (augmented reality) to reveal the formulaic signifiers used to classify, corral and control inhabitants of both the urban grid and cyberspace.

His installation, Still Untitled, employs artificial intelligence and human tracking to build connections between CCTV security cameras and social media-based data collection, thereby illustrating our unwitting participation in both the invisible police state and the algorithmic positioning of digital social networks.

Work details:
Scott McKinney
Still Untitled, 2019
Materials: CCTV cameras, monitors, hardware, snapchat filter
Dimensions variable (site-specific)
Available for exhibition | Not for sale
(commissions potentially available)


Processing/P5JS sketch by Scott McKinney
Headlines are generated at random from fake news stories uploaded by the artist.

Teach coding, collaborate, and showcase class work.